RP information
- -Republic Polytechnic
- -From 9am to 430pm daily
- -Woodlands Ave 2
Breakout timing (this is the time u can look for me)
- -10am to 11am
- -12pm to 230pm
- -time for us to have our lunch of cos.
- -time for us to do our ppt and research
- -time management is important
What is it we usually does?
- -PBL (Problem-based Learning)
- -every do ppt and presentation
- -project work
- -creative learning (skit, video, advertisement.. etc)
All this may sound like we have a hectic schedule and busy lifestyle in RP.
but tell u the truth! RP is the "slackest" poly in singapore. u just need to work smart and save time - and u can get the same grade as someone who is "hardworking" and "enthu" like botak.
but tell u the truth! RP is the "slackest" poly in singapore. u just need to work smart and save time - and u can get the same grade as someone who is "hardworking" and "enthu" like botak.
cmon, sometimes solo is dumb la. wat is team for? it is to share all the workload.
And wat is our main objective? trying to obtain the best grade out of our faciliator right? wats the point of really really understand the problem statement inside out. yes it is useful, for your own general knowledge.. but still, "A" grade laa!
u can really do alot of things in RP. from playing games in ur laptop to webcamming with friends online. can u imagine the whole class become a lan shop. everyone onto their CS and dota. today just got a new game from my classmate: GTA San Andreas!! shiokness man.

u can even watch movie in class, not only on ur laptop, u can watch it using the projector in class with sound system input. dabao ur food up and enjoy the aircon and movie... sounds familiar? like resort right? haha.
webcam with friends! haha. i do that all the time. class is super boring, thats y.

hahaa, unglam shot!
in conclusion
- -rp = slack!
- -some research can link to some interesting stuffs