spectacular night! spec as in spectacle.. we are all suppose to wear unique and funky spec to EDGE service at jurong west church on fri 26/09.
so wat is edge about? it is a service cathered for all the youth in chc. preached by pst zhuang, he shared a impactful message with us. WHAT ABOUT NOW? we all have visions and dreams about our future - driving nice car, doing great works for God, impacting lives. That is, in the future. Pastor set us thinking, what about now? your visions and dreams do not just happen miraculously. start doing sth NOW and set a platform for your destiny and calling from God.
I was really impacted by what pastor preached.
taiwan celebrity BY2 came for the service as well. tell u man, they are talented, beautiful and hot for two 16yrs old twin.

some pictures taken in mrt:
ahead of time. cool right?
beloved niang!!!

Waiter: I've stewed liver, boiled tongue and frog's leg.
Customer: Don't tell me your problems. Give me the menu card.