but i will try my BEST to complete it! FAITH
Thursday, September 20, 2007
nq* O level Art
40% done with my art! 60% more to go... keeping up the pace. DEADLINE IS 25/9/07!!! in 5 days time, i need to complete work that require 2 mths to do. 2mth=60days leh. can u imagine i need to complete 60days of work within 5days.. rushing now, feel so stress.
but i will try my BEST to complete it! FAITH
impossible = I-M-POSSIBLE
but i will try my BEST to complete it! FAITH
Sunday, September 16, 2007
nq* choices
changes can be diffcult sometimes. diffcult to adapt? diffcult to start again? true. but i believe sometimes changes are made for the better. we had to start creating opportunies and proving yourselves. some ppl had lots of open doors for them, but some people loses them. Matt 6:33 says. Seek God first and all his righteous shall be added onto us. dont worry about things, because if u seek Him first, He shall cover up all ur worries.
This post is quite random. but just posting what i wanted to post.
during a prayer conference call with qianhui, guangqiang, jieqi & lemuel. i shared about choices. a revelation comes upon me when i read a book by Max Lucado. He talks about making choice.
Mageline, when she was young, she used to celebrate christmas with her dad and grandma. having no mother since she was born, she was raised by her dad alone. every christmas, mageline would dance with her dad and they enjoyed the time together.
eventually, she ran away from home with her bf when she grew up. leaving her dad and grandma behind.
she broke up with his bf not long after. she had no money, no friends, no place to live. soon, she was recommended to work in a pub- as a bar girl, to earn for her living.
letters from her dad came flocking in. but she did not to read the letters, it seems more less painful for her not to read them. weeks after weeks, those letters start flooding her closet. still, she refused to read them.
(story summarised)
We all make choices, might be a wise one, or not. but God gives eternal choices tho these choices have eternal consequences. Some ppl had made wrong choices in life. chosen wrong friends, partner, career etc. wrong decision, wrong path.
Since Jesus came to Earth, this eternal choice has been available to us. and yet we wonder y some choose eternal life and some reject it. we wonder how 2 men can see Jesus, and one choose to mock him and the other choose to pray to him. i dont know how, but they just did..
this is what happened at the cross during the cruxification. it reminds us of God's greatest gifts; the gift of choice. 2criminal, one insulted Jesus. but one stopped the other criminal and he prayed to Jesus. And Jesus loved him enough to save him, while the other that mocked Him, Jesus loved him enough to let him.
Really want to encourage those who made the wrong choice in life or on their way on making one. eventually u will realise urself making the wrong choice.
3 ppl were healed in a miracle svc, but 5 were unhealed. Look, focus and yearn for at the 3person who were healed. dont stay and dwell among the unhealed or you will never get healed.
therefore do not dwell in the wrong choices u had made. its not too late if u realise it. rather u can still turn around 180degree. and walk about onto the light, righteous path. pray for guidance, wisdom and strengths. God loves you that he can forgive all ur sins if your willing to put down everything and follow Him and walk back into the light.
its nv too late, make the right choice and stay commited into it.
This post is quite random. but just posting what i wanted to post.
during a prayer conference call with qianhui, guangqiang, jieqi & lemuel. i shared about choices. a revelation comes upon me when i read a book by Max Lucado. He talks about making choice.
Mageline, when she was young, she used to celebrate christmas with her dad and grandma. having no mother since she was born, she was raised by her dad alone. every christmas, mageline would dance with her dad and they enjoyed the time together.
eventually, she ran away from home with her bf when she grew up. leaving her dad and grandma behind.
she broke up with his bf not long after. she had no money, no friends, no place to live. soon, she was recommended to work in a pub- as a bar girl, to earn for her living.
letters from her dad came flocking in. but she did not to read the letters, it seems more less painful for her not to read them. weeks after weeks, those letters start flooding her closet. still, she refused to read them.
(story summarised)
We all make choices, might be a wise one, or not. but God gives eternal choices tho these choices have eternal consequences. Some ppl had made wrong choices in life. chosen wrong friends, partner, career etc. wrong decision, wrong path.
Since Jesus came to Earth, this eternal choice has been available to us. and yet we wonder y some choose eternal life and some reject it. we wonder how 2 men can see Jesus, and one choose to mock him and the other choose to pray to him. i dont know how, but they just did..
this is what happened at the cross during the cruxification. it reminds us of God's greatest gifts; the gift of choice. 2criminal, one insulted Jesus. but one stopped the other criminal and he prayed to Jesus. And Jesus loved him enough to save him, while the other that mocked Him, Jesus loved him enough to let him.
Really want to encourage those who made the wrong choice in life or on their way on making one. eventually u will realise urself making the wrong choice.
3 ppl were healed in a miracle svc, but 5 were unhealed. Look, focus and yearn for at the 3person who were healed. dont stay and dwell among the unhealed or you will never get healed.
therefore do not dwell in the wrong choices u had made. its not too late if u realise it. rather u can still turn around 180degree. and walk about onto the light, righteous path. pray for guidance, wisdom and strengths. God loves you that he can forgive all ur sins if your willing to put down everything and follow Him and walk back into the light.
its nv too late, make the right choice and stay commited into it.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
nq* LOL outing
fun, wild and exciting. Living Out Loud (LOL) is a event for sec sch student organised by more than 20cgs in chc. its on 6sep and 8sep. more than 200ppl was there. it was a fun filled, exciting event!
6Sep - All wet, dirty and smelly. got sun burnt. but its all worth it. Located at Sentosa, for only $3-everything was provided. lunch and games. mann, the games were great! pictures uploaded.
8Sep- Eastpoint, Clarke Quay, UOB building, Whitesand, Expo. Travelled around Singapore in 3hrs. station set in different areas. pictures uploaded too.

6Sep - All wet, dirty and smelly. got sun burnt. but its all worth it. Located at Sentosa, for only $3-everything was provided. lunch and games. mann, the games were great! pictures uploaded.
8Sep- Eastpoint, Clarke Quay, UOB building, Whitesand, Expo. Travelled around Singapore in 3hrs. station set in different areas. pictures uploaded too.